I finallly got my head wrapped around the brioche stitch, or got my head unstuffed enough to just TRY it! The attempt was ... interesting ... to say the least, but i frogged it and tried again. I also did a wee bit more clicking and research and found another pattern that made more sense to me. Don't get me wrong, the orginal pattern i had found was decent enough, but I think she went to far to explain things - and made it harder than it needed to be. This other pattern I found at Fireflower Knits made way more sense to me for some reason. Maybe because she laid out it with simple knit directions without the explanation. It was nice to be able to start the pattern without having to read a full page of explanations that came before they needed to. (Hmmm - maybe that's why i had such an issue with my Seafoam Flower sweater - it was over explained, and didn't have instructions where they needed to be ...food for thought there). This specific line was my personal lifesaver "Edited to add: Slip all stitches purlwise with yarn held in front throughout."
The stitch itself is pretty mindless and creates its own rhythym once you get going - granted i needed to keep my eyes on what i was doing because of the yarn overs. The brioche stitch itself is 3 stitches (sl 1, YO, K2TOG), and each row starts and ends with a K stitch. Easy Peasy!
As you can see in my pic (go ahead and click, it'll open in a new window), I got the first cable started - and also shifted my stitches over by one :( ... not even gonna try and tink (reverse knit) this, and i'll just frog it and start it again - this bit here took me less than an hour to do, so I'm thinking it's going to knit up pretty fast. Back to the cable part - she has you slip the stitches to your cable needle, then slip them back - not to sure WHY this needs to be done .. im thinking that's where i shifted my stitches over is doing that .. ah well .. I'm excited and pretty pleased so far, even though Im gonna have to frog it and start again ..
Im doing this with Red Heart Super Soft in Royal Purple with US 10s