I didn't get as far last nite as I wanted to with Reg's quilt, just ran out of steam. When I woke up with a headache today, I knew it wasn't going to be a high quilt volume day for me today. heh .. i've not even read my list mail yet .. At any rate, I wanted to quickly attach the binding to the quilt and then watch a movie with reg .. well i realized that i hadn't even prepared the strips yet .. i'm like .. oh blech .. i do not want to do that right now .. so I worked on some hand quilting for a little while and watched the movie anyways.
Later I started to feel a wee bit better and decided to tackle the binding of reg's quilt. Got the strips sewn together, pressed and had just situated myself with the quilt on my lap and all set to get and the binding trailing off to my right on the floor - Good thing that I had already stitched a bit of the binding to the quilt .. from out of nowhere, this blasted blonde bombshell strikes out at my binding and starts to take off with it .. Thank God he just ran under the dresser and NOT out of the room .. I'm like "PIXEL!! you BRAT .. let that go you bad cat!" .. trying to speak in such a way he would listen, but not wake the whole bloody house up .. wishful thinking .. i woke up the dog and shadow decided to come and see what all the ruckus was about .. so I'm trying to get the dog out of here who's wagging her tail thinking this is all great fun (!), rescue my binding from under a dresser held hostage by a very tenacious 10lb cat, and shoo off Shadow who is trying to get under the dresser with Pix all while being buried under 20lbs of quilt that is still attached to the sewing machine .. Blasted Cat! I did manage to recover my binding and got it on with minimal harassment by he natives. Only had to chase it about 2 more times **bloodycat!!**
It's all trimmed and ready and waiting for me to do the binding now. Shouldn't take to long .. but not going to do it tonite, I still have my headache and I just want to curl up with my book then fall asleep
I left this picture larger, so you should be able to click on it to see more detail with the quilting that I did .. altho you aren't likely to see the sport motifs :S
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