Today I managed to get 2 more kitty blocks done .. well almost done .. I won’t be able to totally finish these blocks until they get into the quilt itself .. the heads and tails overlap on neighbouring blocks .. kinda cute me thinks! These blocks have the kitties appliqued on the background fabric .. I cheated and did machine applique using a blind stitch. One of the kitties has bright novelty fabric and the other just has novelty and country fabric in it .. Out of the 6 blocks that i did, these were the least frustrating out of all of them .. matter of fact I really didn’t have that much of a problem with these at all.
After I finished these kitties, I worked on blocks for the red, pink and white scrappy swap that I’m in .. I really like the blocks! I was working on this one; All Hallows Variation and it turned out really nice .. a few issues with corners as there are half square triangles, but nothing major .. just a few adjustments in what I was doing .. but when I got the one done as the pattern calls for, then I did the next one scrappy and cutting the square first, I decided to measure them .. ended up with 12“ unfinished .. this swap calls for 12 1/2 .. I’m wondering if I’m that off .. I remeasured my seam the other day and I’m a scant 1/4” so I’m not sure what’s going on .. I’ve asked my list if they are having the same problem. I do have Around the Block by Judy Hopkins, so I know I can find a block in there ..
what i’m planning on doing is 8 blocks to swap .. I have no idea what blocks I’ll get back as you can use any block you want to .. so I was going to send out 8 different blocks .. maybe 4 and have the buddies here . not sure what i’m going to do .. but in any case, I’ll have the twin-ish for what is sent in ;)
During a discussion on our list the topic of crawling around on your hands and knees to baste a quilt came up; someone sent me a link on how to baste, with no tape, without crawling around on the floor, and no dead back .. you use trim or mouldings .. check it out .. hand basting
I did manage to get our component cabinet put together today .. only had to back up twice i think .. looks great not having all the stuff stacked .. altho poor shadow can’t sit on the satellite box now LOL .. poor kitty
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